If you've been driving for a few years now, you'd have probably experienced having to stop to get petrol. Most of the time, we get petrol when we're in a rush and have to get somewhere quick, so we don't really think much about what we're doing. Pay for gas, pour it in, leave!
However, this can sometimes mean we don't exactly take the best safety precautions. We leave the door unlocked, keys in the ignition, bags in the front seat- only because we're going to be fast, so all this shouldn't matter too much, right?
This video of CCTV footage that has been making its rounds on social media proves that while these things seem minor, they can be cause for a major incident! This man leaves his car for a while and walks away to the counter that is off frame, most likely to pay for his petrol before he fills his car up.
While all this is happening, a man can be spotted in the distance, getting out of his parked car and slowly walking towards this man's car. As he presumably pays, the thief opens the car he's about to steal, gets in and casually starts turning it to get away!
The owner of the car, who by this time has noticed and has run back to his car, is too late because the car is already moving at this point! Then, the car zooms off while the man tries to catch up to it and is clearly not able to. The video is one minute long, and is captioned saying that all this can happen in just one minute!
The tweet by the Chairman of MyWatch, Dato' Sri Sanjeevan, is filled with replies on people cautioning others on what to do when they get petrol next, and what precautions we should take!
Take care, guys!
All images from Twitter