Avengers: Endgame Is Going To Be Rereleased With Never-Before Seen End Credit Scenes!
Published by Natashya | 20, Jun 2019
Hands up if you've watched Avengers: Endgame! The end of an era, Avengers: Endgame was met with tears, tension and a warm embrace by fans around the world. Lines from the movie like 'I love you 3000' and scenes like Thanos' failed snap have become commonplace in our convesations.
If you're one of the many who watched the movie more than once, and simply can't get enough of it, good news! Marvel head Kevin Feige has announced in a recent interview that the final movie of the franchise will be rereleased on June 28th- just one week before Spider-Man: Far From Home comes out!
Here's what you can expect, based on Feige:
Not an extended cut, but there will be a version going into theaters with a bit of a marketing push with a few new things at the end of the movie. If you stay and watch the movie, after the credits, there’ll be a deleted scene, a little tribute, and a few surprises. Which will be next weekend.
Why marketing you ask? Many think that this might be a last push for Avengers: Endgame to become the highest grossing movie of all time. Despite debuting with $1.2 billion in a movie season where many big movies like X-Men: Dark Phoenix and Men In Black: International were coming out, Endgame still didn't manage to top 2012's Avatar.
For comparison, Avatar made $2.78 billion while Endgame came very close with $2.74 billion. However, with its rerelease holding no major competition besides Spider-Man and Toy Story 4, maybe Endgame will end up clenching the top spot after all!
Despite having to watch the whole three hours of the movie just to get to the end credit scenes, which will reportedly be seven minutes long and contain a tribute to Stan Lee, many people are already excited to watch it.